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Oracle sql 复习题目总结(3)

发布时间:2021-01-24 23:02 所属栏目:128 来源:网络整理
导读:一解: select p.promo_name,s.clerk_name,sum(s.sale_amount) top_salefrom promotions p inner join sales s on s.sale_date between p.start_date and p.end_dategroup by p.promo_name,p.start_date,p.end_date


select p.promo_name,s.clerk_name,sum(s.sale_amount) top_sale
from promotions p inner join sales s on s.sale_date between p.start_date and p.end_date
group by p.promo_name,p.start_date,p.end_date
having sum(s.sale_amount) > all(
       select sum(s2.sale_amount) from sales s2
       where s.clerk_name <> s2.clerk_name and s2.sale_date between p.start_date and p.end_date
       group by s2.clerk_name


SELECT s1.clerk_name,p.promo_name,p.end_date,SUM(s1.sale_amount)
FROM sales s1 INNER JOIN promotions p ON s1.sale_date BETWEEN p.start_date AND p.end_date
group by s1.clerk_name,p.end_date
HAVING SUM(s1.sale_amount)>= ALL(
        SELECT SUM(s2.sale_amount) FROM sales s2
        WHERE s2.sale_date BETWEEN p.start_date AND p.end_date
        GROUP BY s2.clerk_name

sql 题目五


a. 顾问信息表 (consultant)

create table consultant(
    cst_id int primary key,cst_name varchar2(30) not null
insert into consultant values(1,'david');
insert into consultant values(2,'henry');
insert into consultant values(3,'mary');
insert into consultant values(4,'kent');

b. 顾问费率表 (billings)


create table billings(
    cst_id int not null,bill_date date not null,bill_rate int not null,constraint PK_BILLING PRIMARY KEY(cst_id,bill_date),constraint FK_BILLING_EMP FOREIGN KEY (cst_id) references consultant(cst_id)
insert into billings values(1,to_date('2010-1-1',50);
insert into billings values(2,60);
insert into billings values(3,70);
insert into billings values(4,40);
insert into billings values(1,to_date('2011-1-1',60);
insert into billings values(4,45);

c. 顾问工作情况记录表 (hoursworked)

create table hoursworked(
     list_id int primary key,cst_id int not null,work_date date not null,bill_hrs  decimal(5,2) not null,constraint FK_HW_EMP FOREIGN KEY (cst_id) references consultant(cst_id)
insert into hoursworked values(1,to_date('2010-7-1',3);
insert into hoursworked values(2,to_date('2010-8-1',5);
insert into hoursworked values(3,2);
insert into hoursworked values(4,to_date('2011-7-1',4);
insert into hoursworked values(5,3,to_date('2011-8-1',3.5);
insert into hoursworked values(6,4,to_date('2010-9-1',10);
insert into hoursworked values(7,6);




select c.cst_id,e.cst_name,sum(d.bill_rate*c.bill_hrs) total_fee from (
     select a.cst_id,a.work_date,max(b.bill_date) bill_date,a.bill_hrs
     from billings b inner join hoursworked a
     on a.cst_id=b.cst_id and a.work_date>=b.bill_date
     group by a.cst_id,a.bill_hrs
    ) c,billings d,consultant e
where c.cst_id=d.cst_id and c.bill_date=d.bill_date and c.cst_id=e.cst_id
group by c.cst_id,e.cst_name
order by c.cst_id;

sql 题目六



1、表名:t_category (商品类别表)
类别编号 category_id INT
类别名称 category_name VARCHAR2(30)

2、表名:t_goods (商品表)
商品编号 goods_no CHAR(3)
商品名称 goods_name VARCHAR2(30)
商品价格 goods_price number(7,2)
所属类别 goods_category INT
点击次数 goods_click_num INT

3、 表名: t_saleinfo (销售信息表)
销售流水号 sid INT
商品编号 goods_no CHAR(3)
销售日期 sale_date date
销售数量 quantity INT
销售金额 amount number(10,2)



商品编号 商品名称 销售日期 销售数量 销售金额 累计数量 累计金额
1 茅台 2011-12-1 10 7000 10 7000
1 茅台 2011-12-2 15 10500 25 17500


create table t_category(
   category_id int primary key,category_name varchar2(30)

create table t_goods(
   goods_no char(3) primary key,goods_name varchar2(30) not null,goods_price number(7,goods_category int not null,goods_click_num int default 0,constraint FK_GOODS_CATEGORY FOREIGN KEY (goods_category) references t_category(category_id)

create table t_saleinfo(
   sid int primary key,goods_no char(3) not null,sale_date date  not null,quantity int not null,amount number(10,constraint FK_SALEINFO_GOODS FOREIGN KEY (goods_no) references t_goods(goods_no)

-- 增加类别数据
insert into t_category values(1,'酒类');
insert into t_category values(2,'服装');
insert into t_category values(3,'书籍');

-- 商品数据
insert into t_goods values('G01','贵州茅台',550.56,128);
insert into t_goods values('G02','福建老酒',5.43,24);
insert into t_goods values('G03','泸州老窖',90.56,67);
insert into t_goods values('G04','剑南春',80.56,88);
insert into t_goods values('G05','七匹狼夹克',350.56,348);
insert into t_goods values('G06','七匹狼衬衫',105.43,908);
insert into t_goods values('G07','七匹狼男长裤',130.50,167);
insert into t_goods values('G08','七匹狼领带',280.00,388);
insert into t_goods values('G09','J2EE开发',50.50,236);
insert into t_goods values('G10','STRUTS应用',24.50,654);
insert into t_goods values('G11','ORACLE 11G',100.50,145);
insert into t_goods values('G12','dotnet技术',80.00,988);

-- 销售数据
insert into t_saleinfo values(1,'G01',to_date('2008-1-1','yyyy-MM-dd'),50,50*550.56);
insert into t_saleinfo values(2,to_date('2008-1-2',25,25*550.56);
insert into t_saleinfo values(3,to_date('2008-1-3',31,31*550.56);
insert into t_saleinfo values(4,to_date('2008-1-4',43,43*550.56);
insert into t_saleinfo values(5,to_date('2008-1-5',55,55*550.56);
insert into t_saleinfo values(6,to_date('2008-1-6',102,102*550.56);
insert into t_saleinfo values(7,'G11',82,82*100.5);
insert into t_saleinfo values(8,to_date('2008-1-7',202,202*100.5);


