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sql-server – 无法在SSMS中找到服务器代理

发布时间:2021-01-13 21:07 所属栏目:116 来源:网络整理
导读:我正在按照指南 – http://www.sqlchicken.com/2009/07/how-to-create-a-server-side-trace-with-sql-profiler/工作,直到我到达第8步 Now to schedule your newly created script. In SSMS connect to the server you want to trace on. Go to your SQL Serve

我正在按照指南 – http://www.sqlchicken.com/2009/07/how-to-create-a-server-side-trace-with-sql-profiler/工作,直到我到达第8步

  1. Now to schedule your newly created script. In SSMS connect to the server you want to trace on. Go to your SQL Server Agent and expand it so you can see the Jobs folder. Right-click the Jobs folder and select New Job.

我找不到SQL Server Agent.我在哪里可以看到这个SQL Server代理?我已经为当前用户授予了所有访问权限.


如果您未获得所需的权限,则无论您是否运行Enterprise / Standard / Datacenter等,您都将无法看到代理…

所需的角色是sysadmin,或者这里的各个角色 – http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms188283.aspx

